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Perspectives: Can Your Shop Handle More Cars?

Recently, I received an e-mail with a subject line that read, “Automotive Repair Crisis Grows as Number of Vehicles Per Service Bay Reaches Record High in 2006.” According to the Aftermarket Annual 2006/2007, a study from Lang Marketing Resources, Inc. ( the number of cars and light trucks on U.S. roads has increased by more

Viewpoint: Empathy and Old Ladies

In 1994, I was working at major chain repair/tire shop in Birmingham MI, as a service writer. I had not been there too long and was just learning the ropes. The shop was located in an affluent suburb of Detroit. The customers were a mixture of old money, new money and retiree money from folks

Tire Tech

Coupled Forces Why using less weight is not a shortcut In our July issue on page 26, the article titled “Less Weight, Great Balance” (or at answered a lot of questions, but it also brought up some new ones. The article was on the new technology that many new balancers are featuring that can

High-Performance Brake Pads

Friction and Fiction “I would like a more aggressive or high-performance brake pad.” If you work at a typical shop you will hear this statement at least once a week. It is a complex request that requires a line of questioning to flush out what the customer wants, needs and expects. “Aggressive”, “high performance” and

Mitch’s World

High Noon at the Schneider Corral I pushed the office door open and walked out into the middle of the driveway. I turned to my left and looked out toward the arroyo. That’s when I first saw the dark outline of a man walking up the hill toward me. The sun was in my eyes

Mitch’s World: High Noon at the Schneider Corral

I pushed the office door open and walked out into the middle of the driveway. I turned to my left and looked out toward the arroyo. That’s when I first saw the dark outline of a man walking up the hill toward me. The sun was in my eyes and I had to squint in

Tech Tip: Symptoms of a Worn Wheel Hub Bearing

Signs of a worn wheel hub bearing vary in severity. Some may be difficult to detect, leading to damage before corrective action can be taken. The time frame in which damage occurs is linked to driving conditions and/or the mechanical practices that were followed at installation.

RTI Provides TPMS OE Phase-in Schedule

The necessity for nitrogen tire filling capability will increase drastically over the next several months. All passenger vehicles will be required to have on-board TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems) by 2008.

Brake & Suspension System Service

Brake and suspension repairs are the best type of routine maintenance repairs that coincide with major service intervals. Brake and suspension components that are in need of replacement could represent a significant profit center for shops when technicians take the time to perform complete chassis inspections. Worn suspension and brake components, as well as a

Travel Troubles En Route to the Big Easy

It sounds like a bad barroom bet: Buy a $250 car and drive it from New York to New Orleans and back. This is what a recent cross-country rally did when it challenged 28 competitors to take on the roads in a junker, jalopy or beater for the top prize of $1,500. The inaugural running