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Rotor Debate: Resurface or Replace?

More often than not, many rotors today are being replaced when the brakes are relined – and some motorists are complaining that new rotors really aren’t necessary. Resurfacing can usually restore the friction surface on worn rotors to like-new condition, unless a rotor is worn down too far to be safely resurfaced or has cracks,

Causes & Cures for Disc Brake Problems

There are as many causes as there are cures for disc brake problems. Brake pedal pulsation tops the list, while disc brake noise and brake pedal sensitivity follow as second and third place contenders. Most of these problems can be avoided if technicians have the right parts and follow the correct procedures. Let’s begin by

Tech Tip: Being Able to “Read” Brake Components During Inspection is a Critical Skill

Read any good brake pads lately? Don’t make the mistake of replacing brake pads without reading the old pads to spot potential caliper problems that could cause brake problems down the road and a possible comeback.

Friction Fundamentals

A brake, according to the dictionary, is a device for arresting the motion of a wheel or vehicle. The original brake, like the original wheel, was invented before history was accurately recorded, but we know from pictures drawn by ancient Phoenicians and Egyptians that it is one of the oldest of mechanical devices. For thousands

Rotor Debate: Replace, Discard or Machine?

More often than not, many rotors today are being replaced when the brakes are relined – and some motorists are complaining that new rotors aren’t really necessary. Unless a rotor is worn down too far to be safely resurfaced or has cracks, deep grooves, severe rusting, hard spots or other structural defects, resurfacing can usually

4WD Clutch Replacement

Here in the upper part of the West Coast, four-wheeling is a very large part of outdoor recreation. Vehicles of all kinds are taken to the forests and mountains every weekend. There are miles and miles of off-road trails, and organized clubs are available for every make, model and size of 4WD vehicle. Toyota trucks

Brakes: Reading Pads & Calipers, Examining Old Pads Can Prevent Problems Down The Road

Read any good brake pads lately? Don’t make the mistake of replacing brake pads without reading the old pads to spot potential caliper problems that could cause brake problems down the road and a possible comeback. Here are six conditions to watch out for: UNEVEN PAD WEAR. A sure sign of caliper trouble. If the

Aftermarket Auto Parts Alliance Awards $16,000 in College Scholarships

For the ninth year in a row, Aftermarket Auto Parts Alliance has awarded $16,000 in scholarships to members and/or their children to assist in their post-high school education, demonstrating that education is a top priority with the aftermarket giant. Since the college scholarship program began, the Alliance has dedicated over $145,000 to helping their members continue their education. This year 32 selected students each received $500 to use at the school of their choice.

Under Pressure and Pounding: What Happens to Wheel Bearings and Suspensions When Wheels Get Big?…Stop Using Percentages if You Cannot Show Your Work!

Custom wheels and tires have been an automotive fashion statement since the 1970’s and today custom wheels have become automotive jewelry with 26-inch spinners on a Hummer as one of the ultimate statements. But, the hidden costs come at the price of wheel bearing life and other wheel end components. As an undercar shop, you

Reading Between the Brake Lines

Being able to “read” brake components during inspection is a critical skill.