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Flushing the Brake Fluid is Critical on Every Brake Repair

Making sure the brake fluid is the correct quality is critical. Sponsored by Auto Value and Bumper to Bumper.

Why Choose Ultra-Premium Brake Fluid?

Brake fluid is a hydraulic fluid that applies braking force to all four of the vehicle’s wheels when the driver presses on the brake pedal. Seems pretty straightforward, right? But did you know that not all brake fluid formulas are created equally, and that some brands deliver better performance than others? So, what does it

Brake Fluid 101: What Does Brake Fluid Do? What is the Difference Between DOT 3 vs. DOT 4?

When you think about the braking system of a vehicle, you probably think about the major parts you see when removing the wheel: brake pads, rotors, calipers and maybe hydraulics. However, one of the most important parts of the system isn’t visible: brake fluid. Brake fluid comes in several formulations for different applications and plays

What Is A DOT 4 LV Brake Fluid? (VIDEO)

If you are selecting brake fluid for a vehicle, first look at the cap for specifications. This video is sponsored by Advics.

How Do You Test Brake Fluid? (VIDEO)

Brake fluid replacement is more critical than ever. This video is sponsored by Advics.

How Do You Store Brake Fluid? (VIDEO)

An unsealed bottle of brake fluid can be compromised. This video is sponsored by Advics.

Champion Oil Offers DOT 5.1 Brake Fluid For Gas And Diesel

DOT 5.1 brake fluid was developed due to the lack of acceptance of DOT 5, which is a silicone-based fluid.

Continental Debuts New Packaging Design For ATE Brake Fluid

Continental Debuts New Packaging Design For ATE Brake Fluid

Brake Fluid Service

Visual inspection of the fluid can be extremely misleading.

ATE Introduces Super DOT 5.1 Brake Fluid

ATE Super DOT 5.1 brake fluid delivers excellent performance in extreme cold conditions, said the company.