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Nuclear Missiles and Brake Pads (August 1971)

While Thiokol’s involvement with both rockets and brakes might not seem obvious, solid rocket boosters and brake pads have a lot in common in their manufacturing processes.

85th Anniversary Of Brake & Front End

The March issue marks the 85th anniversary of Brake & Front End and is the 1,020th consecutive issue of this magazine that has hit shops without missing a single issue. It also marks Andrew Markel’s 16th year working on the magazine.

RETRO: Brakes Save Tires For World War II

During WWII, the US was cut off from its rubber plantations in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei. With rubber needed for war effort, tires on the home front were rationed. With the drum brakes of the day(hydraulic and mechanical), brakes lock up was common due to brakes that were out of adjustment.